People always make the mistake of thinking art is created for them. But really, art is a private language for sophisticates to congratulate themselves on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artist’s statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. - Calvin

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Which was the last thing you did that you were absolutely under no obligation of doing? My friend, that was the time you were most free...most 'yourself'. Life is so torn between calls to be made, attended, returned....a particular way in which you are expected to act, react and take it further down from there. Baggages of all shapes and sizes carried by all and sundry. Casting their ugly shadows on otherwise so called normal pleasantries and exchanges. Things you 'have' to do and things you 'can't' do. Just being allowed to so much of a be allowed to sit and gaze into consider time as a ally rather than something precious filling up the wrong end of the hourglass... It is just not the same....but m not sure which time...which era...which world I am reminiscing about.....


C. said...

Hi again,

I agree on the wanting to be free sometimes from some of the shackles of obligation.......

The flip side is that this thought can also be used as a cop out when one claims a need for 'freedom' when what he/ she really wants is escape from things he/ she needs to do.

We don't want freedom from having to eat, drink, sleep etc. Ostensibly we are free to e,d and s WHEN we want but we are not truly free from the NEED to e, d and s as our bodies would break down.

There was this brilliant scene from a Malayalam movie of some time ago wherein a Swami in an ashram tells the protagonist that his 'search' for God in a place such as that should not be an excuse from getting away from the responsibilty he held towards his wife and kids.

......and oh, trust me, am not stating all this in the abstract.
Been there, done that:)

Pallavi said...

Hi C,

Hope you are doing well. I just now saw this comment on my post. More than a decade later, I agree, wholeheartedly with the fact that the freedom to avoid shouldering responsibilities and obligations is one of the most cruel things that a person can do (unfortunately, been there, undergone that).

When I was writing this blog, what I probably wanted to say was the freedom of doing something that you are under no obligation to do while being fully aware and fulfilling everything expected of you otherwise. That is what would make the act so liberating. Like you do everything that you had to and then go ahead and were able to accomplish something that just you wanted to, not because you had to...

I hope you see this and I hope the "been there, done that" situation is a part of long lost non-troublesome memories :)