People always make the mistake of thinking art is created for them. But really, art is a private language for sophisticates to congratulate themselves on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artist’s statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. - Calvin

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long time, no see
God knows, most thankfully

A year gone by and still cobwebs
clutter my brain terribly

Have been carrying this numb numb feeling ever since that night
don't really know why though,
things between us either ways were never so fucking bright.

Incidents, instances etc etc I always thought
would help me forget that exchange,
why my brain is still stuck and why anything ugly
just reminds me of it all is simply strange.

You lied. Not once not twice but all along
God still loves you and you know what that does to me,
it takes away from me my heart's song.

It is not right, cannot possibly be.
But then that is how it is and who can question thee.

Fly high, like you always have.
Just try not to set your
eyes on a brightly feathered bird
only to take away the wind from beneath her wings.
Just as you do so allow the others as well to sing.

And if not for me or anyone else...
do it for the sake of a drunken god's first sonnet.


If there is one thing you can take thing I can certainly do without in this year that is fast approaching...take away that feeling...the 'shit i was so silly I din't see it coming' I have had enough. You have known me long enough to know that this one stupid line has so haunted me over the years....This perennial disease of seeing right before the eyes but still not seeing, cure me of it.

No I din't know it was not meant to be, I din't that it was a wrong move, neither that it did not exist all along, nor that the magnitude was just for the happy times.  I saw the tell tale signs and did not read the fine print. I thought every story is unique and to draw parallels is plain simple wrong, a sin that does not allow the story to develop according to its own lines. Guess I was terribly wrong...almost all along....

But now that I know...could you please be a bit more kind.

Monday, December 21, 2009

:) Ummmmmmm

What's warm, fuzzy, feels great and makes life happy, instantly....will try to list a few...being curled up in a warm blanket in winters, sunrays coming in from the window directly on the face, that gush of wind when you walk outside, a sudden spurt of rain, a carpet of dry leaves that crackle beneath the feet, post card winters with a lonesome hut in a land under the thick cover of ice and the sureity of being there one day...a tiny lil star that seems to be peeping from behind the clouds just for you...songs that make you feel like you are floating on a distant land in total oblivion... an unexpected cup of coffee ur flatmate/pg mate walks in with.Kishore Kumar's voice at any time of the day. Your best friends calling you and baby talking on the phone. Receiving an unexpected but oh-so-thoughtful gift from an old friend. Talking to your crush and getting crushed by sweet nothings....cuddly grandparents, hand picked, polished and packaged by god himself, parents that fuss over you over the smallest things..things we thought we were old enough to not even bother contemplate. Having a long conversation with your younger sibling and realizing you are no longer the 'elder smarter cooler' one of the two...remembering long forgotten songs that you sang, rhymes that you drove people crazy with as little goblins.  

Being able to find just that right shoe or dress, better still to be able to find it in the sale. Lonnngg sessions of gossip that run into the wee hours of the morning, cooking sessions post 12 AM and then between spoonfulls of the delicacy gulped down the promises to follow 'the' strict diet regime from the next day itself and yeah not to for forget the jogging/walking session.

Songs that remind you of people and people that remind you of certain songs. Finding a stranger and then going on and on too oh God me too, you also, oh boy I thought I was the only one. Old dresses that smell of long lost memories and the cherished times they were worn at. Undated greeting cards with kiddy quotes and handwriting from siblings, peers, people.

A breathtakingly beautiful landscape and the imaginary patting god on his back for the commendable job he has done. Watching a small kid somewhere taking care of another even smaller kid will all the earnestness. Random acts of kindness that just make the heart go oooohhh!!!

A warm hug, a bright hello, an earnest ''yuhoooo-i-am-there'', a motherly/fatherly ''It's too late, go home'', a best friend, sibling type, ''shit i was lucky else I would have been in the same mess, so what now''...these are what life is all about.....

(psst - I am sure there are many more..and thank God for that, just that at this very moment these were the only ones my mushy wishy heart could think the by feel free to add any others that come into your mind....Season's Greetings)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


One lil button on your uninspiring button...but it is amazing the kind of strength that you feel because of it. You press it and hey you have things sorted out....good for you...may you be able to live in your wonderland of buttons that you can press and get rid of things....

3 Idiots

No, don't worry, I did not manage to see the movie before its release and am not trying to give my review about the same. No. Aamir ain't my favourite actor and this is not a promotional trip either. I just happened to decode something and this very moment happens to be a eureka moment and here I am telling you about it.

The book Five Point Someone was one that I enjoyed thoroughly during my growing up years. I kept it with me at most places because I really believed in its powers of instant levitation of my mood. The language, the anecdotes,  the visualisations, the comparisons all just bowled me over again and again and again. It is only recently that I have grown out of ''Five-point-someone-is the-most-fun-book'' phase. (Yes it ain't something you admit publicly and sound retarded, but secretly you believe in it with all your heart). Now frankly I am not too fond of books being transformed into movies at least in Bollywood...have not seen too many examples I can be proud of...So when it was announced that Raj Kumar Hirani had decided upon ''Three Idiots'' I was disappointed but keeping the man's credentials in mind I did not really raise a hue and cry, but something that kept my mind in a tizzy for a long long time was why take such an adorable name and transform it into ''Three Idiots''. Yes we do understand that a silver screen adaptation means a lot of transformation will inevitably take place but then why on earth idiots???

I guess I know the answer, well maybe. ''God I feel like such an Idiot'' is a feeling that all of us, each one are so so familiar with. That one time you went out of your way and did all that you could only to receive indifference that kept you so astonished for a long time, that another time when you allowed your pre conceived notions to get the better of you and you did not rise up to the occasion. Only to regret at a later date your indifference and inaction. That another time when you felt so little and feeble, so immature, so childish because someone else was so grown up and said 'U idiot!!!' mebbe not literally but yeah....The time when you flunked and you knew it was not really the bad marking that caused it. The time when you lost out on something that you really wanted and knew it for sure that you were somewhere so so responsible for it.  When you said something unnecessary and hurt the people who love you most and matter most. Or that classic occasion when you were in love but what you din't know that it was just 'you' who was in love and not the other dude or dudette. A plain simple 'Idiot' is what you feel like. Mebbe thats one state of being, one emotion that summarizes it all, that we all know so well and hence...idiots..all of us at one point of time or another...            

Monday, December 7, 2009

6th December

This is a day that I can never forget or rather allow to slip out of the consciousness of my mind. Some 16 years back something happened on this day which fortunately or unfortunately did not touch me at the superficial level in any way back then  ....but years later when i tried to understand it, revisit the facts and let go of myself in the emotions surrounding changed me in more ways than one...

As an attempt to revisit that time, that thought and the pain that goes hand in hand with it i watched two films today. Saw ''Raam ke Naam'' for the second time,  a documentary by Anand Patwardhan, trailing the kar sewaks as they were collected for the mass uprising and the demolition of the Babri Masjid....a film where L K Adwani and other top wrung BJP leaders are shown openly gives inflammatory speeches inciting the Hindus... thus bringing about the also talks about the how the whole thing was brought about, how the secular people who had anything to do with ayodhaya at that point of time were done away with inspite of the 'religion' they belonged also speaks of the common man of those times who stood in the background watching with horror all that was happening silently saying that it hardly makes a difference whether there stands a temple or a mosque or both of them.

The next film ''Ye Mera India'' is a relatively newer flick and speaks about the differences that plague us at the current moment...i would not say that it tells us something that we have never heard before but it does say it in a manner that moves you and now and then you do associate with one or the other character and dare i say it does bring a few stray tears here and there....i will tell you what i am talking home from the movie...other than the unity bit and how neither all muslims are terrorists nor all terrorists are muslims....i take home a lesson that i knew and practiced but somewhere down the line had unknowingly dropped along the way.... prejudices have vicious cycles where their thrive and if you are a part of one prejudice then other prejudices are not far behind be it by you or against you.

I often wonder if I should be happy that I am a part of a secular state or sit down and debate how pseudo secular we are. Hindus here feel they are not the preferred lot, Muslims complain they are not allowed to feel at home... the national language Hindi has not many takers down south and far east agitation for a seperate state is a psynonym for the way of life there. We can't say that the agitation for a seperate Khalistan is over as yet. The law and order in certain states puts human existence to shame.

The Masjid was demolishes long back but the rubble both real time and in terns of our collective future still lies in the way of anything productive that we might want to do. Back in school when I was a little girl my teachers told me ''we are a developing nation, we are gonna be a superpower very soon''. The same thing i am sure is still taught to the tiny tots in schools till date. We were developing, we remain and dare i say we will...the statistics might have changed...the per capita income might have the GDP might have...we are still a bunch of unhappy people....unhappy with the illiteracy, corruption, population explosion, inflation, unsafe streets, lack of streelights, lack of light, unemployment and a score of other things.

And why not...our political parties have amazing manifestos and agendas...they wanted votes back then on religious and caste based lines...they still do...they appease based on caste and creed not talent and qualification...once in power they promise the first thing to construct a temple.the common man is no better..they sing saare jahan se accha and one of our most pronounced wish is to have the greencard approved or at least a foreign trip.

So much so much convoluted and not as if I will let you on to a secret you don't already know....just that the anguish is so so much...just one last thing before i sign know what makes me most angry...when I meet contemporaries..people below 25 who unabashedly ask me my religion cast and other details...not in a passing manner but in a manner that will help them to reach something definitive. The way they have stereotypes fixed firmly in their heads along with pre-conceived notions with half baked dangerous information. The readiness to belittle another and praise oneself.... and the urge and tendency to stand up and get violent about things and choices that are not even theirs in the first place...that takes away from me all hopes that I have harboured of a  future far distant from the history I have read in books. I did not choose my religion or my caste and though I have a responsibility towards them all but nowhere in the purview of this responsibility falls the right to call another kind smaller or can one sing paeans of something that they are not a conscious part of. To be proud of your legacy, lineage and posterity is entirely one thing while the things people have been doing in the name of religion putting theirs versus that of another just makes no sense....

It almost makes me say...we dont need a temple...not even a mosque..we already have too many of them...and when it is a dark dark night and I am all alone...all by myself...there is no temple in sight...not a gleam do I get from the brightest one you constructed....and at times like these I just turn to the God who resides in my heart....he is the one who keeps tabs of all that I have been up to even since I came into existence and he has forever been my best friend, and no conditions attached to that one....don't promise me that temple or mosque... help me love, respect and hold on not just the God that resides within me but also the one that lives in almost everyone who breathes....

Don't give me a temple and a mosque and instead take away my is too lousy  a bargain.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009


मेरे राम को ऐसे बदनाम मत करो...मुझे मेरे हिन्दू होने पर शर्मिंदा मत करो. मेरे राम के नाम पे ये मत करो.....हाँ उनका जन्म अयोध्या में बेशक हुआ था और मैं जानती हूँ की इस वजह से सारा अयोध्या पावन है... मगर किसी एक चप्पे पे उनका नाम लिखने को सारे शहर को लहुलुहान मत करो. राम के नाम पे मरने मिटने वालो ये तो बताओ की वो अयोध्या का कौन सा कोना है जो पावन नहीं है? मेरा भगवन जहाँ है मेरा मंदिर वही है...फिर चाहे उसकी शकल तुम जिसे मस्जिद कहते हो उससे ही क्यूँ न मिलती हो. राम असत्य पे सत्य की विजय का नाम है, अधर्म पे धर्म का की विजय का, क्षमा का नाम है, कमजोर और निहत्थे की ताकत बन्ने का.

मेरा राम बस मेरा नहीं है... अगर उनका जन्म उसी बाबरी मस्जिद में हुआ था तो फिर उनका अस्तित्व वहा किये हर एक अज़ान में और प्रबल हुआ है....वो हर उस मुस्लिम के हैं जो वहा जाने अनजाने आया है अपनी आस्था का दीपक लिए. क्षमा और सहनशीलता की उस मिसाल को अपने इन जघन्य कृत्यों से बदनाम न करो. अगर करते भी हो तो अपने नाम पे करो..मेरे राम के नाम पे ये मत करो.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Come let's consumed....let's make it so beautiful that time stands still just to witness it. If all that we say and do are hung in the abyss of time till all eternity....let the person who comes across our unison stand still....and wish with all he/she has that this one moment comes true for them as well...if not in their present another...but the reality and reoccurrence of it should be the only thing on their minds....and my beloved, each time this yearning transpires...we shall come alive again....gazing into each other’s eyes...with the same inferno that made the instant possible. We shall exist for centuries after centuries in our state of advaita.


Music, any music, noise, cacophony, gibberish, squabble....anything at its crescendo is pulsating, beautiful, full of life almost alive. But that is not the whole story. Crescendos are supposed to be larger than is when the dull moments....the fillers...the silent spaces are enjoyable, worth the wait, worth coming along all the way....know that you are witnessing, living, being a part to the masterpiece.


Which was the last thing you did that you were absolutely under no obligation of doing? My friend, that was the time you were most free...most 'yourself'. Life is so torn between calls to be made, attended, returned....a particular way in which you are expected to act, react and take it further down from there. Baggages of all shapes and sizes carried by all and sundry. Casting their ugly shadows on otherwise so called normal pleasantries and exchanges. Things you 'have' to do and things you 'can't' do. Just being allowed to so much of a be allowed to sit and gaze into consider time as a ally rather than something precious filling up the wrong end of the hourglass... It is just not the same....but m not sure which time...which era...which world I am reminiscing about.....

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pinch me...tell me it is not true. It can't be happening to me for sure. I have always been God's special child...this is not what falls in my kitty....or does it?

Believe in God? Guess most of us do. Are there moments when God has lost track of your life, forgotten you or most scarily is just a figment of your imagination....what do you do at times like these. That someone you bow down to everytime, ask for every little wish from, who you know is your shadow when all is dark and the path ahead is rugged suddenly erases all those little signs that spoke volumes of his existence.

Where do you go, what do you do....why is it always like are born alone...crying, numb, clueless...and then you are introduced to relations, close and make friends and the almighty is promised to be your companion at all times in all sorts of ways.

Relations change....metamorphosise into things you never knew they could turn into....the ones that don't also have their timeline and if not individuals the relations are consumed by the hunger of time....friends and companions follow suit. Lovers come and lovers go....professing undying and eternal love they walk in and out as if life is nothing but a stage and we are people who are just to play perfect parts, not missing cues or dropping lines.

And then the final know even God ain't hits you in the guts...where do you go? Wish to run? Where to but.... the outstretched arms that you saw in your rainbow dreams were just a is not just a feeling ofsomething sinking....but rather a rush of blood...your organs bleeding...losing precious blood by the second in unfathomable quantities and you know it instantly you are turing into a caricature of your self.

Promises so fake...relations that break...people with axes to grind....dead emotions numb mind....Is life beautiful? The answer my friend is for you to find....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Love aaj kal

Now don't get scared...m not about to praise or deface the movie with my comments....peace shall pervail..this is to discuss or rather throw light on a very disturbing fact that I have come across in these mushy mushy movies. A little background into my brain before you are subjected to this blog. I have never liked mushy mushy love stories...back in school when every one was going gaga over Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and trying to either impersonate 'naughty' Anjali or the ever more naughtier Shah Rukh ( psst see i don't even remember his name) I was busy doing other things.. Dil To Pagal Hai, KKHH, K3G and host of other films went into the garbage bin for me...and yes I have never admitted it but so did DDLJ...not that i am a heartless creature who does not believe in love shove but just that modern day laila majnu type love stories just don't seem real to poor old me :(...some disorder i suppose looking at the way my generation keeps falling in and out of love with religious beliefs associated with the same. i firmly believe that love makes the world go round but the laila majnu kinds just puts road blocks here there n evrywhere....sigh

okay back to the basics, circa DDLJ, a trend seen then and often repaeted and finally repeated all over again in love aaj kal....the guy just lovessssssss the gurl....the gurl does too, but in a hush hush manner...under the parental guidance and the influence of the family tree...where u can love but can't take matters in ur hands and convice either of the two parties in question as in the family ''let me marry this guy...oh plz plz plz (nahi to main mar jaungi)'' or the guy ''dude nothin can happen between us, seriously, chuck it, all the best( c ya on fb)'' . So this good-for-nothing gurl does fall in love and all that but neither does she own up to her family nor to the guy....dhan tan tan...male dominated cinema in male dominated society...our guy..the knight in shining armour comes to the rescue...gets beaten up....thrown out of the house....but nazrein neechi...then when nothing works out he comes to the gurls house on the weeding day/night....darwaza khula..... ladki ki maa decking her up for her big day....this strange boywalks in with band-aids stuck here n there from the last beating ....tense silence..''maaji/bebe/auntyji/mummyji aapki beti sirf mere hi saath khush reh sakti hai...uski sacchi khushi mere hi saath hai. Aap kya apni beti ko uski khusi nahi doge....bolo...bolo....''
Sob sob motherz heart is melting like mombatti n she packs her daughter off with this guy whose second name is also something unknown to her...Lord o lord...some mummyiez also give the zewarat n the dahej seriously come onnnnnnnnn......which mummy does this daddy can still do something this wacky but my mummy can never....

And seriously love is not supposed to be logical but then who said it can be illogical either??? Idhar mummyji n daddyji did not want to even discuss marriage with the boy or his family...or even see his face....n bang on after a couple of mushy dialogues they throw caution to the winds and right on the eve of the great Indian marriage...with the whole society waiting outside to get started with the meals allow their daughter to go....

I cannot finish this blog without bitching a bit about the girl in u gurl u having lived with your folks and been blessed with 10 times better tear ducts could not convince your family while this kal ka chokra from god knows where just lands up and manages to convince your parents...tch tch...shame on you.....

Lord....these laila majnu type stories are just toooooooo much and this trend is like insult to injury......Give me Vikram Betal any at least makes its fictional character clear....

Maan na maan, main tera mehmaan

When lizards and other icky beings find their way into our rooms I wonder do they know their way back? If yes, then what keeps them there on the wall, stuck with beady eyes that seem to be fixed at us. And if no, then why the hell do they step it.......following food you would say...but I am cent per cent sure that there is no such food available in my room....

I am extremely agitated....I walked into my tiny room today in a very pleasant mood only to find a lizard making herself/himself comfortable on the wall right above my bedside.....Can it get worse? Now I have phone calls to make and attend, chat, blog and do so many other things...but how can I while this liz'd has robbed me of all my peace of mind :(

Every two minutes I look up to find it looking down at because it is my blog and the lizard can't read it...let me make it very clear....mommmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......I hate liz'dz......they are too ugly to be alive....i am scared, disgusted and violated all at the same time...and if you know me doing all this to me all at the same time is death...instant death...but point is I can't kill it :( also I can't throw up my arms n run out for my mommy or daddy or at least my younger brother....:( m stuck is not even ten an there is the whole night between us :( Lord help me....

My animal activist friends will tell me that the Liz is as scared of me as I am of him/her....Yeah right, then who asked it to step in...n now that the first mistake has been committed why doesn't he just step out...these unwanted pets that god keeps dropping off in our rooms is just not happening :( Oh seems to be doing something like a complex yoga move....yikesss...need to concentrate on that before this...ciao guys...pray for me :(

Monday, August 24, 2009

Out in the open

A man is known by the words he chooses not to speak.

Does a brave man need to wear his medals all the time?
Can a pious man do without his rosary?
Can a honest man be known as one without him having to say it again and again and yet again?
Can a friend be known to be one without him/her dishing assurances your way every now and then?
Can an enemy be feared though he chooses not to threaten you directly?

Be cautious of people who say again and again and again something that they want you to believe...Only people who fear their actions are not going to hit the mark resort to the magic wand made of words....self advertising individuals who showcase their virtues and craftily present their vices and keep muttering to all and sundry ''I am not like the other people''...know very well how similar or even more rotten they are and hence the urge to immediately set themselves aloof from that group. More than reassuring you they are reassuring themselves, while at least they are in your company, lest you catch them.

People who themselves are scared of the dark can only tell you tales of the horrendous creatures the depths of darkness holds. One who knows no fear of the dark cannot paint a glum picture about it leave alone scare you. Someone who knows who he is and is sure of himself does not need to keep repeating it again and again. Watch out!


Maalik teri raza rahe, aur tu hi tu rahe
baaki na main, na meri justaju rahe
jab tak ki tan mein jaan, ragon mein lahu rahe
tera hi naam, teri hi aarzu rahe.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Addicted and unapologetic

Yes sir, it is official and the cat is out of the bag. I am an addict, a person addicted to the virtual world. However much I tried to deny the fact, to prove people wrong, here I am all smug in my virtual space. They say it takes seperation to realize the sweet pangs of love and I can vouch for the same out of pure personal experience. My laptop and I have been away from each other since a month now...and today that finally we have reunited i suddenly feel the aches, the mood swings, the lethargy towards life all gone.....I guess the real world ain't enough space for me and the parallel existence in the virtual world is of immense importance.....thank you the almighty and the mortal spiders for having spun the world wide means the whole wide world to so many of us....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have never been fond of war, I know you will ask 'so? who has been or is?' But I know people who enjoy war movies, chivalry and the love for the mother land that one gets to display at times like this. I abhor even these. I just plain simple do not understand who invented it and why though I totally understand that it is one of the most basic plain and simple things to invent.

The biggest divorce in the history of humankind, the India Pakistan partition thankfully had no connection to my life. But still I got cramps every time someone spoke of it. I would try running away from similar discussions good or bad. It was only after years of conditioning that I grew up to appreciate the loss, sorrows and the many tales of grit and endurance the partition brought into with it.

Why I am bothering to speak about all this is because in years together this is the first time I have felt scared because of the prospect of war. I have grown up in times that have been relatively peaceful, yes that is if you call Babri Masjid demolition, Godhra riots, spats between people of different religions, states, ideologies and an uncountable number of chain bomb blasts along the length and breadth of the county peaceful.

Reason being Taliban is just a heartbeat away from the seat of power in Pakistan and the most alarming thing is that there is no force strong enough to stop this surge leave alone even question it. Taliban is a package deal that comes with innumerable if's and but's. At the most basic level all men will necessarily have to sport a beard and women will lose the right to education and along with it all rights to freedom. We have seen what Taliban has been up to in the places that it has plagued and it will be foolish to think that in Pakistan things are going to be different. Staunch regressive rules, a complete defiance of the universal rule that man is born free that is how he ought to be (and she), women considered just as objects that provide pleasure and a whole lot of kids to man while themselves being devoid of any feeling, wants or desires all the while. Volumes can be written on how simply mindless and crass their ideologies are in the current times but that's not what I want to delve into.

India and Pakistan after few wars and years of strained friendship are still existing next to each other. We blame them solely for our terror attacks and they rebuke our security forces and the possibility of Indian involvement in each of the wrong doings. Even aftre countless number of trips made by heads of State of either country and peace talks keeping the Taj Mahal in the background things are not really in the best shape possible. At another moment one could have cribbed endlessly as to how this India Pakistan issue just doesn't seen to end but today when I try to ask myself what is the worst that could shape up in the near future because of the Talibani involvement I shudder and think that the current sate-of-affairs is any day much better than what could happen in the near future.

India has this typical 'wait-and-watch' attitude that I think is exclusively ours. I know we can't just go and bomb down what we think could pose a threat but it is not right to sit and wait to be hit hard, really hard to finally know this is the apt time to react. Having seen my government act and react over the past so many years I am sure nothing is really gonna happen from our side at least not actionary. Even as far reactionary goes I am not sure what we are capable of. Here capability is not the capability to act but to decide that this is the time to act and this the action that we are going to take.

While I feel scared and vent out my feeling I am sure the Talibani's are strategising how to take over. Whom to plant where, how many bomb blasts to execute, how many more men to train, how to flog women, which nation to destroy.

I am fed up with the innumerable bomb blasts and I know so is everyone but before anything else crops up I want to make my displeasure, fear and plain simple disgust for the events that are shaping up our modern history very very clear. I hope the Gods in the skies wake up to it, stop it cause I know man has lost the sanity to even comprehend things leave alone decide where to head and how exactly.

Psst: Yes I am in despair and am already looking up for help.

Thinking aloud

When you speak gibberish and are very sure that gibberish it is, all is well. Mindless crap dressed as mindless crap being spoken of and enjoyed entirely for what it is but what are we supposed to do with ‘sane’ stuff being belted out by straight-faced people that turns out to be just plain old crap, at the end of it all or even when it is being delivered. Why can’t we call things by their real names and take pride in what they actually are.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pearls of wisdom

Hi.... Yes I know the title itself sounds funny but the fact is that I keep coming across some interesting observations and inferences in my day to day life. So I thought that for the welfare of mankind in general I should jot them down and who knows maybe you can quote me with them later.... (psst at the moment there are only a few of them but I shall keep updating the list)

1. There will be potholes on any road we take in life, quite inevitably so we have to know how to hop skip and jump across.While we are indulging in the hop skip and jump we might as well do a jig :)

2. 90% of us lose our virginity to the wrong people.

3. People who are hyper, who shout yell and curse all the time, as if the world is coming to an end the next moment, aren't they the ones who are living each moment in life fully, thinking that the sky would fall at the drop of the hat.

4. I only start thinking when I am not enjoying myself.

5. There is nothing really thatz ''out-of-the-box''. There are boxes of various shapes and sizes. You jump out of one and land into another.

6. It is absolutely extremely important to keep making memories because you never know when you run out of the time to do so.

7. The food cycle takes care of everybody....absolutely everybody.

8. The more I go to political rallies and gatherings, the more I want to transform into a human bomb.

9. Also the more i go to temples the more my belief strengthens in the fact that god possibly could not be residing here.

10. At the end of the day almost everything boils down to small talk.

11. Life mein dava pehle aati hai aur dard baad mein....depends if you have peered enough to realize this.

12. If the shoe fits, wear it. Please do and thank you.

13. The more idiotic the lie the more people buy it.