People always make the mistake of thinking art is created for them. But really, art is a private language for sophisticates to congratulate themselves on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artist’s statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. - Calvin

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dawns and dusks

The fog was so thick we could barely see ten feet before us. The familiar surroundings looked as if enveloped in a ghostly aura all around them. The chill was fresh and welcome and we continued our stroll down the hillock.

There is something about walks that is very special, be it a solitary one where one is surrounded by thoughts, ideas and memories or the ones where we have company, company to share the long strides uphill, the lazy walk downhill, the fresh air, the various sights and sounds.

We moved at a leisurely pace, at times rubbing our hands for the elusive warmth at others puffing our way up. I blew smoke rings and smiled at myself, another of the reasons i love winters, it kind of brings the non-smokers at par to the smokers.

Not really in a mood to lose the value of the enchanting morning we walked silently. But then with people you are in total harmony silence too has a rhythm. The strides, the gait, the pace, the nature all around doesn't really leave any need or space for conversation.

The road like any other road just went on and on, at times I wish life could be one long winding road, enveloped in a foggy morning that just refuses to finish. Mind you the road and the morning, both of them.

When I was a little girl I was always scared of nights, I not very sure what but there was something that just used to scare me to bits. I just wished that night never comes about, when I grew a lil bit and realised that it was inevitable then all I wished was that the night passed away quickly giving way to mornings and a silent prayer against being left all alone one dark night, ever in my life.

That childhood feeling kinda made mornings more special, the days when I fail to wake up early, I feel there is something that I have missed, As if the day has been incomplete, without its soul.

A really optimistic friend of mine send me a forward one day which read something like '' God loves a a lot cause he gifts us one grand morning every day.'' How very true.

I wonder what we would have done had we not have mornings to fall back upon. They come as a fresh new start, a new stride, a obvious and the most natural genuine try. No wonder how bad the day has been tomorrow would most certainly be a new day. When we wake up the biggest if fights, fears, tragedies, mind you still remain but in some divine fashion we are detached from them. They are no longer right there throttling us to death. There is a night between them. The gravity may remain but the actual event is past and a series of nights and more nights make it a distant memory a phantom lurking somewhere in the shadows.

A very famous saying in Hindi goes like this, ''raat gayi baat gayi'' and how true. When the night comes forward to put the lid, it becomes much more easy to throw mud over it, turn around and walk away.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with author opinion.