People always make the mistake of thinking art is created for them. But really, art is a private language for sophisticates to congratulate themselves on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artist’s statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. - Calvin

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I am sorry,
I don't really mean to be mean, but I don't know why
there is a transformation that happens.

I know you love to whisper the three magic words, over and over again, you are like enchanted, engulfed into the magic of them, and you try to recreate the magic for me.

But tell you what sweetheart, that is the most magical thing about magic, it can't be created, it either is born at the first twinkle of the eye or its just an illusion that we carry all our lives.

Tell me something, are we really mean to people who love us like hell. Does the surety that we will be loved in the face of anything and everything bring out the worst in us.

At times to see if its true and at others out of the bold crazy confidence. Oracles through the ages have professed that love ought to beget nothing but love. Tell me is that true? You certainly must have an idea...

They say love is the most basic thing, the most primary the most primitive, but then why is so complicated then, why then it ain't the easiest thing on the face of earth, and yes why doesn't it always lead to gaiety, laughter, surprises.

I know you love me, lots and lots and lots. Honey promise me you shall some day bring me the answer to these questions. Your princess has just lost her way into the jungle.
I wonder if price charmings do actually gallop in on their white horses
or is that we discover them, at times somewhere in the jungle and at others as the faithful companion treading the jungle alongside...........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome, I still wonder how a person can be so philosophical about love. Cheers to these three magical words !!